Distance Sessions

Shamanic Medicine can be performed at a distance and is no less effective when received in this way.  If you would like a Shamanic Medicine Distance Session, please send me an email describing any particular issues you would like worked on and make a payment below.

I will perform your session within a few days and email you feedback about the session. Many people can feel the energy of the session as it happens, and you might like to take some time out to receive, lie down or relax.

When I perform Distance Sessions, I program the healing to arrive at a time that is convenient for you so that you do not experience any imbalances during your working day, for example.

In a full Shamanic Medicine Session, I will journey to discover your Power Animal, extract any unwanted energy you may be carrying and retrieve the Soul Fragments which are ready to return.  If there are Past Life Imprints or Entities to be cleared I will remove these as well.

Shamanic Medicine Sessions can be repeated as often as you wish, however, I recommend doing 3 – 4 sessions initially, then giving the healing time to integrate. You can also book a session just to retrieve your Power Animal.

Distance Shamanic Medicine Sessions are $122 AUD and Power Animal Sessions are $55 AUD

Please contact me if you have any questions about Distance Sessions.

Shamanic Medicine Session