The Art of Grace

My canine friend Misty was stretched out on the floor so gracefully the other day that I just had to take a photo and post it on Facebook.  Only seven months old and still growing in several different directions at once, her long body was stretched out elegantly, her slender legs were crossed over with her front paw perfectly lined up with her nose – she was a picture of grace. Ok, so maybe I am a little biased…

When we think of things that are graceful though, we tend to think of natural things, like the elegant shape of butterfly wings or the curve of a flower’s slender stem.  We find these shapes and lines harmonious or soothing, and so they are copied in art and architecture as we strive to surround ourselves with beauty. However, whilst it is true that static objects can be graceful by the nature of their shape and proportion, gracefulness is usually revealed to us through movement. The way the water in a pond ripples, the way a swan glides or a person dances all reflect a certain degree of gracefulness. So what is it exactly, that makes a movement graceful?

I trained for many years as an aerial acrobat, performing choreographed dance on a long silk drape (actually it was polyester, but that is a technicality). I spent long hours building strength, developing technique and pursuing the mysterious art of grace. Amidst all the gruelling physical training and toe pointing exercises, what I learned is that we are graceful whenever we are doing something well, with ease, without force. For the possum walking on the power line, the eagle soaring high in the sky or even my friend Misty stretched out on the floor, this is easy enough – they are simply being true to their nature, without undue effort or self-consciousness.  However, for the person who wishes to master a certain skill, there is work to be done and that work is as much about unlearning as it is about learning.

The things which prevent us from being naturally graceful are held in the internal places where we resist, where we are unbalanced, lacking in strength, focus or acceptance. When we resist a certain movement, for example maybe we don’t like going upside down, or we feel uncomfortable stretching our belly or we have a stiff neck, we reveal the places in ourselves where we are holding tension. Discovering the cause of that tension will allow us to relax into the movement and return to our natural grace. Our centre, or core, is our position of greatest strength and it takes a certain amount of core strength to be balanced in our lives as well as our bodies. There are many distractions and temptations that pull us away from our centre, and if we stray too far, we are likely to fall over, both literally and figuratively. Focus means putting your attention on whatever it is that you are doing right now.  If our bodies are doing one thing and our minds another, we rarely display much grace or cohesion in any of our endeavours. Finally, without acceptance we are not fully present, and whatever we resist will usually persist, until we find a way to make our peace with it. That includes our limitations, our failures and our hurts. Since we cannot learn to walk without falling down a few times first, we need to find acceptance so that we are able to learn from these experiences.

Whatever you are passionate about, whether it is dancing, creating, cooking, writing or sport, if you repeat and refine it enough, it will eventually become effortless and in that moment, you are graceful. What is perhaps more important than the attainment of technical skill however, is what you have learned from the process of revealing the natural grace you have within. In removing the obstacles which prevent us from experiencing this natural grace, we bring ourselves closer to the fullest expression of our essential self.  If we consider an alternative definition of the word ‘grace’, we find that it means ‘Divine gifts and power’, and it seems to me, that would be something worth revealing…

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The Light of Awareness

As the first burst of brilliant light appeared from behind the darkened moon the crowd roared again and I dropped my gaze, feeling the warm glow on my face intensify. Emerging from the totality of the Eclipse, the sun’s powerful light illuminated the sky and we were once again returned to daylight, returned to our mundane reality and yet changed, renewed, inspired by the natural spectacle we had just witnessed.

As we go about our daily lives, we don’t usually think about the sun that much except perhaps when we’re playing sport or spending long hours on the beach. Yet there it is every day, illuminating everything around us. In fact, when we look at anything at all, we are only seeing the light reflecting off the object, we don’t actually see the object itself. By the way the light bounces off surfaces with varying densities we are able to interpret the shapes and forms which are familiar to us. Unfamiliar things are more difficult to see only because our brains have trouble interpreting the light patterns and there are even frequencies of light which we can’t see at all.

When we see coloured lights such as in a theatre or nightclub, what we are seeing is not colour added to a light, but rather the result of certain colours being blocked by the filtering of particular frequencies of light. Using a red filter over a light, for example, will block off the entire blue spectrum, making the object appear red and vice-verse. However if you use too many filters on the same light source, you can block out all the light completely and be left in darkness. So in order to see something clearly we need to illuminate it, shine light on it and not just any kind of light, but the right kind of light.

As a Tarot Reader, I assist clients to see their situation clearly, to be honest with themselves and to release the filters and conditioning that we all collect throughout our lives. Sometimes we may view the world through angry red filters, convinced that life was designed just to irritate us. Other times we may carry happy, joyful yellow filters but be unwilling to look too hard at anything distasteful. Or perhaps we might view life through a cool blue detachment – nothing rubs off, nothing sinks in, nothing touches us…

By choosing to act from our moods, attitudes or past wounds we are filtering out certain frequencies in our reality and therefore we are only experiencing certain parts of the truth. That keeps us stuck in limitation, often repeating the same failures and hurts over and over again. In order to see the whole truth, we need the whole spectrum of light and that means shining the clear light of our awareness.

Have you noticed that sometimes you can walk around with the same old problem for days or months, looking for a solution or trying to find answers? Then suddenly it hits you out of the blue, “Aha” we cry, “that’s it!” Like a bright light has been switched on, all of a sudden we see the situation clearly and the answer is obvious. , “Oh of course,” we think, “I knew that all along, I just couldn’t see it…”

True wisdom comes from within and when it arises into our awareness, we recognise it instantly. However the answers that we are seeking are often hidden in the depths of our subconscious mind and that can be a kind of dark place where we may hesitate to go. Darkness doesn’t have to be scary though, as the darkness only exists where we are not shining the light of our awareness. You know what happens when you switch on the light – immediately the darkness is gone.

We all have the ability to see the truth clearly but the truth isn’t always convenient or comfortable. So we make excuses, start holding up red or blue filters and tell ourselves that’s just the way the world is. Fortunately that kind of avoidance doesn’t work for too long and if we are serious about our personal growth, we will start looking for where we have hidden the flashlight.

If we really want to discover the truth, to uncover all that we already know, the treasure hidden deep within our psyche, then we must use one of the greatest powers that we have. We must be willing to shine the light of our awareness and illuminate the shadows.

Photograph by Ben Cooper

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The Road to Healing

I saw a bumper sticker once that read; “On the road to success, there are many attractive places to park your car” and I thought that sentiment could be applied to the road to healing just as well.

When we feel powerless to change the things in our lives we are unhappy with, we often brush them aside with excuses; “well that’s just the way life goes”, “oh well, you can’t have everything” or “life wasn’t supposed to be easy”, but these excuses wear thin over time. In our hearts we know that we deserve to have everything, we are entitled to fulfil our potential and in my opinion, we have a moral obligation to heal ourselves so that we may contribute our very best to the world.

We are truly blessed to be living at a time when there are so many healing modalities available to us.  We have a selection of modern approaches to health and healing to choose from as well as facilitators dedicated to reviving and integrating traditional knowledge from our indigenous ancestors.  On my own healing journey I have experienced at least 30 different healing modalities from bodywork to hypnosis, re-birthing, theta healing, many different forms of energy therapy and shamanic practices to name just a few, and I have found them all to be beneficial

What is important on the road to healing however is that you learn to discern the powerful from the frivolous. There are methods of healing which work at the core to bring profound and life changing results, and then there are those which just make you feel better for a day. An unfortunate side-effect of what I call the ‘happiness movement’ is that it can encourage us to ignore our deepest wounds, which is kind of like parking your car somewhere with a nice view and forgetting where you were headed in the first place.

Spiritual philosophy which encourages us to ‘rise above’ or ‘lift ourselves up from’ our own darkness is a band aid solution. True healing comes from being willing to face our own pain. The road to healing can be long and there are indeed times when we must take a break, be refreshed by some lightness or uplifted by some positivity, but again we must return to the real work of facing our fears, our resistance and our hurt.

It takes courage to acknowledge our own woundedness and all the ways which we have relived and recreated the same wounds in our lives. It takes strength to really take responsibility for our lives as our own creation, and it takes humility to truly own our mistakes and weaknesses. The payoff however, is a level of self-awareness and self-mastery which cannot be gained by just making ourselves feel better.

Often we are afraid that if we dig deeply enough we will uncover a world of horrible and scary things that we don’t have the tools to deal with.  We are afraid of being overwhelmed by our hurts and betrayals, stuck in our rage, drowning in our grief and all this may in fact be true.  We may be suffering so much that we don’t think that anything can ease our pain.  We may have tried everything and still not found relief. What can we do then with the hurts which seem beyond healing?  Where do we go when we can’t find anything that works?


Deep inside there is a fire burning, a fire that heals, a fire that can transform all the things which seem too big or too impossible.  Deep within your own psyche there is a council fire where the elders meet, a fire where your ancestors gather, a place where you can take your pain, your burdens, your grief and I invite you to go there.  Pull off the highway, get out of the car and walk towards the fire.  Here you can unload your troubles, here you can tell your deepest secrets and burn your deepest pain to ashes.  When nothing else works, go within and find the fire. Sit there with your tribe, your people, the ones who know you and love you. Now, look into the flames and see the healing you require.

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Looking Within

As the low vibration of the Om rippled across the room I watched the small group of figures begin to move in the dim light.  Some swayed gently from side to side, a few fiddled with the bandanna securely fastened across their eyes, patting and pulling at it until it felt right, a couple shuffled their feet hesitantly.  This was the delicate part, the first few minutes in the darkness when the mind struggled against the loss of sight, reacting to the vulnerability that arises when we lose our primary sense of orientation or control.

I turned my attention back to the stark brightness of the laptop screen and moved the cursor down the iTunes list until I found the track I was looking for.  As the raw sound of African drumming bounced out of the speakers I felt the group respond.  Feet began to move, hips began to swing and they were off, each on a sacred journey into the mysterious unknown.

One of the most common questions I am asked when facilitating a Trance Dance event is “why the bandana?”…”can’t I just close my eyes?”…”I promise I won’t peek”… and the answer I always give is, “no, it’s just not the same…”

Dancing blindfolded is the core structure of Trance Dance and it is designed not just to take you out of your comfort zone, but out of ordinary reality. When we don the bandana we remove ourselves from our daily thoughts and concerns, we take a mental break from the outside world and we focus within. There are practical reasons to use the bandana; it guarantees privacy for the group, it reduces the temptation to open your eyes and look around if you get tired, bored or you bump into another dancer.  When using a bandana, you don’t have to try to keep your eyes closed, the bandana does it for you. Covering your eyes with a bandana makes it easier to relax and let the music move you, to allow your body the freedom to express – but that is not all it does.

Something mysterious happens when we shut down our primary sense of sight – we open the doorway to our own inner world.  Connected by the optic nerve, our eyes are literally hardwired into our brains.  All day long our brain is processing a multitude of images, complex patterns of light, shading and perspective, negotiating the physical world and interpreting the meaning or significance of outside events. We don’t get much rest.  If your eyes are open, you can hardly choose not to see.  The only time we get a break from all this visual input is when we lie down to sleep and then our subconscious takes over, weaving our impressions into night dreams which we often can’t remember on waking.  It is no surprise then that we have scarce opportunity to discover and participate in the deeper workings of our inner life.

When we cover our eyes with a bandana made from a heavy weighted fabric, we disrupt the flow of light and information from the outside world, and our attention turns and looks within.  Now there are new images to discover, new patterns to interpret and new perspectives to understand. We are awake and our inner world speaks, sometimes in words, more often in stories, images, sensations. We discover our inner feelings; perhaps deeply buried pain from the past, the forgiveness required to heal, an insight into our own behaviour or meetings with ancestors or spiritual guides. Indigenous people talk of the Dreaming or Dreamtime and it is understood that this is neither a time in history nor a place in the outer world, but rather an ongoing function of the human psyche.  To dream is to create.  Conscious dreaming is conscious creation.  What is going on right now in your inner world?  What kind of dream is creating your life?  What do you find when you cover your eyes and look within?

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