Sacred Attunements

Sacred Attunements are high-frequency energy transmissions performed by distance. These specific healings were gifted to me from the consciousness known as Thoth who continues to guide me in their application.  During a Sacred Attunement session, I will connect with your Higher Self and serve as a guiding channel to call forth the energetic transmission and send it directly to you.  I will remain in constant contact as the Sacred Attunement unfolds and will email you feedback within 24 hours after the session.

These powerful transmissions work on all levels of your multi-dimensional anatomy and target the highest priority areas which need addressing, according to your Soul’s intention and in line with your Higher Self.

Each Sacred Attunement has a specific purpose and focus, each carrying the frequency of its primal Elemental Medicine and the unique gifts of the guiding Animal Spirit. I have performed grounding rituals with each of these Sacred Energies at specific places on the earth and am aided by unique crystal gemstone spheres which assist in their transmission. On the following pages, you will find a more detailed description of each Sacred Attunement.

Sacred Scarab – healing of the four lower bodies (physical, emotional, mental, etheric) clearing obstacles to the authentic manifestation of the self and mastery of the physical dimension.  The Sacred Scarab Attunement connects you to the Earth’s energetic grid, leylines, dimensional orientation, and universal laws.  This sacred knowledge will assist you to manifest into the physical world and ground your visions into the Earth plane.

Serpent Medicine – bestows the power to transmute the self, to ‘shed the skin’ of what no longer serves and to fuse layers of our reality into wholeness. Serpent Medicine repairs fragmentation transforms ‘shadow’ qualities into usable energy and through the ancient power of Alchemy, fuses the self into One.

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